Organizational structure
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) has an organizational structure based on:
- Muhammadiyah Central Executive Guidelines number 02/PED/I.0/B/2012 concerning Muhammadiyah Higher Education issued by the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP);
- Provisions of the PP Muhammadiyah Higher Education Council No178/Ket/I.3/D/2012, regarding the Elaboration of Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Guidelines number 02/PED/I.0/B/2012 concerning Muhammadiyah Higher Education;
- The Statutes of the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta compiled by the UMS Senate together with the UMS Executive Board and approved by the Council for Higher Education, Research and Development, PP Muhammadiyah. As stated in SK No. 032/KEP/I.3/D/2015 concerning Muhammadiyah University Statutes for 2014-2017.
- Joint Decree of the Chancellor and Chair of the Daily Executing Agency with SK No. 011/SKB/BPH-UMS/2007 dated 5 January 2007 concerning Employee Discipline Regulations.
- Joint Decree of the Executive Board (BPH) and the Chancellor of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University Number 186/IV/2014 regarding the provisions for the recruitment of Foundation Permanent Lecturers, Professional Permanent Lecturers and Emeritus Lecturers.
- UMS Chancellor’s Decree No. 047/II/2005 concerning Provisions for Further Study for Employees Muhammadiyah Surakarta Administration.
- Job Description of Officials in the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Lecturer Recruitment (PIK-UMS/08) (2010).
- Employee Recruitment Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (PIK-UMS/09) (2010)
Tata Pamong
- The formulation of a Strategic Plan (Renstra) and Operational Plan (renops) for the UMS Postgraduate School (SPs-UMS) for the next four years according to the vision, mission, and goals.
- Implementation of a networking system among postgraduate schools through collaboration with universities both at home and abroad that supports the vision, mission, and goals of UMS.
- The implementation of the networking system between SPs-UMS and government agencies, funding institutions and companies through cooperation in order to increase the competence of educational staff within the SPs-UMS.
- Implementation of the annual work program according to the SPs-UMS strategic plan
- Implementation of the process of tertiary education according to the needs of stakeholders.
- Implementation of Campus Islamization in SPs-UMS.
- Prepare a SPs-UMS Strategic Plan for at least the next four years.
- Establish an annual work program according to the SPs-UMS Strategic Plan
- Coordinate with work units in determining work plans according to the Vision, Mission, and Objectives of PPs-UMS contained in the SPs-UMS Strategic Plan
- Coordinate with the Rector and in the framework of establishing cooperation with Universities, Agencies, Institutions, and the public in support of the Vision, Mission, and Goals.
- Representing the University in its relations with outside parties
- Provide information in and out.
- Coordinating and directing the implementation of campus Islamization.
- Doing academic and non-academic cooperation with external parties.
- Conduct direction, supervision, and evaluation of the implementation of the overall work program within the SPs-UMS.
- Report all forms of cooperation to the Chancellor of UMS.
- The preparation of student admission plans in all study programs for the next four years.
- The realization of the student admission target according to the plan that has been set.
- Information system development plans, quality assurance, and cooperation are prepared.
- Realization of promotion, marketing, and recruitment mechanisms for new students.
- Implementation of the process of academic activities in all study programs according to the Vision, Mission, and Objectives of the SPs-UMS.
- The realization of quality academic activity processes for students, educational staff, and the academic community as a whole.
- The realization of the adjustment and development of the higher education curriculum according to the needs of stakeholders, through university cooperation and curriculum evaluation at least once every three years.
- Implementation of the Teaching and Learning Process according to the established curriculum.
- Develop a student admission plan for the next four years based on development needs and the SPs-UMS Strategic Plan.
- Develop plans and implement programs to achieve the planned student admission targets.
- Provide direction and coordinate with Study Program Leaders in preparing information system development plans, quality assurance, and collaboration.
- Provide direction and coordination with Study Program Leaders in developing mechanisms for promotion, marketing and recruitment of new students.
- Provide direction to study programs in new student admission activities and overall academic activities
- Provide direction to the New Student Admissions Committee in new student admissions activities and related academic activities.
- Collaborating with other tertiary institutions in developing postgraduate curricula.
- Coordinate and monitor the curriculum applied in each study program.
- Coordinate with rectors, faculties, and study programs in order to evaluate and develop curricula according to the needs of stakeholders.
- Supervise the implementation of the teaching and learning process according to the established curriculum.
- Conduct direction, supervision and evaluation of academic activities as a whole.
- Report all forms of cooperation with external parties to the Director of SPs-UMS.
- Provide direction on the implementation of academic administration information systems, library information systems, research information systems and community service.
- Achieved an increase in income through an increase in the number of student admissions and acceptance from business units and cooperation from external parties.
- Realization of an effective and efficient financial control system through budget evaluation and budget rationalization
- Realization of an administrative system that is easily accessible to users through the implementation of a management information system.
- Availability of facilities and infrastructure that support the smooth running of the overall organizational process.
- The realization of the quality of work life that supports employee motivation.
- Realization of employee welfare through a just reward and punishment system.
- The realization of human resource development programs that can encourage job satisfaction, with indicators of increasing employee job satisfaction.
- The realization of an increase in employee performance by measuring the increase in the average employee performance index from the previous year.
- Prepare activity plans in the fields of finance, administration, infrastructure, and human resource management at the SPs-UMS level.
- Develop policies related to financial management.
- Setting acceptance targets sourced from students and business units and collaboration for the next four years.
- Coordinate with Deputy Director I in achieving the target of acceptance sourced from students.
- Collaborating with external parties in order to improve the career and welfare of employees in the PPs-UMS environment.
- Develop a budget plan that is tailored to development needs and targeted revenue.
- Coordinate and monitor the realization of the appropriate budget
- Supervise and evaluate overall financial management within SPs-UMS.
- Provide direction on the implementation of personnel information systems and financial information systems.
- Coordinating and directing the provision of facilities and infrastructure to support the smooth running of the overall organizational process.
- Creating a quality of work life that supports the improvement of the performance of educational and non-educational personnel.
- Coordinate and monitor the implementation of employee performance appraisal.
- Conduct direction, supervision, and evaluation of the implementation of administrative, financial, infrastructure, and human resource management activities as a whole.
- Report all forms of cooperation with external parties to the Director of SPs-UMS.
- Guarantee the implementation of a quality assurance system for all study programs within UMS
- Provide input for the Dean/Director of SPs, Deputy Dean/Deputy Director of SPs-and Head of Study Program in developing academic activities
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation
- Question quality control
- Recapitulation of lecturer performance index and PBM evaluation by students
- Assisting Faculty/graduate schools in compiling reports
- Make a report on the implementation of faculty/graduate school quality assurance to university leaders
- Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of activities
- Developing a study program development plan according to the needs of stakeholders
- Compilation of curriculum at the study program level according to the needs of stakeholders
- Fulfillment of qualified new student input quota
- Realization of coordination between study programs and undergraduate faculties/programs in the development of Graduate Schools and study programs
- Realization of plotting courses for educational staff following the concentration/section and needs of the study program
- Compilation of lecture schedules, exams, and other academic activities that are satisfactory to interested parties
- Implementation of the Teaching and Learning Process according to the established academic calendar and curriculum
- The performance of the process of educational activities at the study program level smoothly
- Fulfillment of academic and non-academic data for filling in EPSBED
- The legality of permits for the performance of the study program is maintained
- Maintained accreditation stratus and ranking of study programs
- Develop a study program curriculum according to the needs of stakeholders
- Planning and coordinating the process of implementing academic activities at the study program level
- Conduct consultations with Deputy Director I in implementing educational activities at the study program level
- Conduct consultations with Deputy Director I in the context of developing a study program-level curriculum
- Conduct consultations with the Deputy Director II for the administrative and financial needs of the study program
- Develop a new student admission plan for the next four years
- Develop plans and implement programs to achieve the planned student admission targets
- Coordinate with the New Student Admissions Committee in developing promotion, marketing, and recruitment mechanisms for new students
- Coordinating with related study programs in the Faculty in postgraduate development and study program development
- Coordinating and monitoring the implementation of academic activities at the overall study program level
- Coordinating interest groups/concentration/expertise of educational staff
- Monitoring academic activities such as seminars, training, and discussions for each concentration
- Conducting plotting courses and other academic activities
- Prepare class schedules and exams according to the set plan
- Collect and prepare academic data for filling in EPSBED from the Directorate of Higher Education
- Collect data and prepare accreditation proposals
Implementation of operational activities and development and development of the library as a whole
- Developing a library as a whole that is oriented towards improving service quality, especially in meeting user needs and satisfaction
- Make policies in connection with the guidance and development of the library
- Make planning guidance and development of the library
- Utilizing all available resources both human resources and material resources to achieve library goals
- Availability of facilities and infrastructure that support a smooth teaching and learning process
- The realization of a satisfactory level of service for users (students, educational and non-educational staff, external parties)
- Implementation of the administrative system optimally
- Perform planning and directing the implementation of work at the work unit level
- Providing facilities and infrastructure that encourage the smooth teaching and learning process
- Provide direction to staff in carrying out the administrative system that has been set
- Supervise and evaluate the implementation of staff work in realizing a satisfactory level of service
- Receive and dispose of and distribute incoming letters to SPs-UMS
- Prepare concepts related to the Director’s assignment letter or decision letter
- Availability of facilities and infrastructure that support a smooth teaching and learning process
- Implementation of procedures for implementing academic activities at the SPs-UMS level
- Availability of fast and accurate academic information
- Perform planning and directing the implementation of work at the work unit level
- Provide direction to staff in carrying out academic procedures
- Provide direction to staff in providing academic information
- Administer grades and announce them to students
- Make grade transcripts
- Make a final exam file and its validation
- Prepare the files needed for mid and end-semester exams, student cards, student attendance, and lecturer attendance
- Value information to students who need it
- Class schedule information for students who need it
- Arranging class schedules and dividing lecture halls and informing relevant lecturers
- Availability of facilities and infrastructure that support smooth financial administration activities
- The realization of a satisfactory level of service for users (students, educational and non-educational staff, external parties) in the financial sector
- Availability of accurate financial information
- The optimal implementation of the financial administration system
- Provide financial information to students
- Providing facilities and infrastructure that encourage smooth financial administration processes
- Provide direction to staff in carrying out financial administration procedures
- Provide direction to staff in providing financial information
- Provide direction to staff in carrying out a predetermined financial administration system
- Together with Deputy Director II, make a budget plan and propose it to the university
- Disburse the budget from the university
- Spend the money and record all expenses
- Make reports according to the source of funds used
- Make regular financial reports to the leadership
- Arrangement of laboratory/Puskom activity planning
- Realization of work programs in each laboratory/Puskom smoothly and satisfactorily
- A schedule for optimal use of the laboratory/Puskom
- Availability of information for users
- Realization of laboratory/Puskom as data center and experimentation
- Achievement of maintenance of laboratory/Puskom equipment optimally
- Develop a laboratory/Puskom activity program plan
- Coordinate with study programs in preparing laboratory/Puskom activity plans
- Carry out work programs in each laboratory/Puskom smoothly and satisfactorily
- Develop information for users
- Providing data for research purposes, or other academic activities
- Provide facilities and infrastructure for experimentation and training
- Conduct direction and monitoring of laboratory/Puskom maintenance
- Conduct direction, supervision and evaluation of the implementation of the work program as a whole